Level 2 Traineeship in Land Based Engineering

This Traineeship is for students who may wish to work in agricultural engineering, this course covers technical knowledge and practical skills.

Academic Year: 2024/25
Course Code: 10776
Campus: Lisburn
Study Type: Full-Time
Education Level Further Education
Department: Motor Vehicle

Available Sessions

The following sessions are open for application on this course:

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Course Overview

The Traineeship programme will allow participants to achieve a full Level 2 qualification and will comprise the following key elements:

A main vocational based qualification

Vocational skills development

Transversal and digital skills

Work placement

Literacy and numeracy qualifications at Level 2 (may include GCSE qualifications in English and mathematics)

Additional qualifications deemed necessary for work within a sector e.g. Health and Safety, manual handling

IMI Level 2 Diploma in Land-based Technology

Modules may include:

  • Monitor and Maintain Health and Safety within a Land-based Engineering Work Area 
  • Applying Mechanical Principles 
  • Understand how to Use, Service and Maintain Tools and Equipment 
  • Material Preparation, Shaping and Assembling 
  • Carry out Servicing and Maintenance on Land-based Equipment 

You would like a career in agricultural engineering.  Land-based engineers work to solve problems using a combination of scientific, technical and engineering knowledge. This course deals with the maintenance and repair of a range of mechanised equipment used in agriculture and other land based industries.

  • How to apply mechanical principles and understand how to use, service and maintain tools and equipment. 
  • You'll also learn about preparation, shaping and assembling.  

Developing your wider skills: as well as providing you with the technical skills and knowledge in your chosen area, the Traineeship will help you to develop a range of transversal skills that are important for employment including:  

  • Problem solving,
  • Teamwork,
  • Communication,
  • Time management.
  • Entrepreneurship

That this course will provide you with relevant practical training, working with agricultural equipment in our workshops.

Project Based Learning will also be a key feature of Traineeships. ​This is a dynamic approach to learning in which you will explore real-world problems and challenges that have been developed with employers. With this type of active and engaged learning, you will be inspired to obtain a deeper knowledge of the subjects you are studying and develop a wide range of hands-on skills.

Successful completion of this course will allow you to progress to the Level 3 qualification in Land Based Engineering under the apprenticeship programme if you secure employment or alternatively to FE at Level 3.

4 GCSEs grade D-G, including grade 'D' in maths and grade 'D' in English or equivalent.

Applicants that have not obtained the above grades but can demonstrate an equivalent level of experiential learning may also undertake a NI Traineeship through Accreditation for Prior Experiential Learning (APEL).  Suitability will also be determined following an assessment of your current level of literacy and numeracy. If you have not obtained the stated entry grades for maths & English, but your assessment determines that you have the potential to achieve a Level 2 Essential Skill in numeracy and/or literacy over the duration of the NI Traineeship, you may be enrolled as an ‘Introductory’ Trainee, following the same programme as those of the Full NI Traineeship except for Essential Skills.  

*Entry criteria may be subject to change.

Available Sessions

The following sessions are open for application on this course:

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Enquiries Information

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Available Sessions

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Level 2 Traineeship in Land Based Engineering



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Further Education

Further Education

If you have just completed your GCSEs, Further Education is most likely the option for you. FE covers qualifications from entry to higher level qualifications such as Awards, Certificates, Diplomas, NVQ, BTEC and Apprenticeships.

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