Excellence Awards Get Underway
0 min read
11 April 2024

SERC’s annual Excellence Awards gets underway with our first ceremony taking place in Lisburn Campus, today, Thursday 11 April from 6.30pm. The event will be followed by further celebrations in Bangor Campus on Tuesday 16 April, and Downpatrick Campus on Thursday 18 April.
The Excellence Awards recognise and celebrate outstanding students and staff from across all campuses and over the next week, hundreds of awards will be presented. The students’ awards are not only for those who have excelled in their coursework, but also for those showing entrepreneurial skills, or dedication to bettering their community or our environment.
As a high-performing College, our continuing success depends on the skills, expertise, and personal commitment of all our staff. Our staff awards recognise staff who go the extra mile to deliver excellence – in or out of the classroom.
Please follow us on social media and help us celebrate excellence at SERC by sharing posts from each of our Excellence Awards. #BetterOffAt SERC
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