Careers Service

Our team of Careers Advisors provide a professional, impartial and confidential service, to help young people and adults make informed choices about their future career and next steps.

To help us process your enquiry as quickly as possible contact us at


Learning Support

What can the Careers Service offer me?

We provide a range of careers information, advice and guidance services to support current and prospective students.

Throughout the year we also organise and promote a range of careers related events and opportunities, to help students develop their employability and career management skills.

How can Careers help?

We can help you with:

  • Understanding your career options

  • Making effective career decisions

  • Choosing suitable courses

  • Accessing up-to-date career-related information

  • UCAS and other higher education applications

  • Preparation for higher education interviews

  • Job searching, applications, CV’s, interview preparation

  • Work placement and volunteering opportunities

I want to plan my career

Career matching tools

There are a range of tools available to help you get career ideas and suggestions based on your likes and/or what you are good at. Please select the tool most relevant to your age range. Find out more

Choosing a career

Taking some time to understand what is important to you in a career, and then researching different opportunities can help you make informed decisions about your future career. Find out more

Exploring career options

When you have a career in mind, you can then go on to research the qualifications and skills that are needed for that career. Our Careers Officers can help you plan your next steps. Find out more

I want to study or train

Choosing a course

SERC offer a range of courses in Further Education, Higher Education and Training and Apprenticeships, try something new. Find a course

Return to education

Perhaps you left school with little or no qualifications, or you wish to change career, or you have a career in mind but are not sure about what to do next? Whatever your reasons for returning to education, there’s lots of support available to help you. Find out more

Training and learning and work

Learning at work can help you improve your career prospects. Your employer may already provide learning opportunities. If not, they may consider getting involved in an employee training scheme. Find out more

I want to work

CVs and covering letters

A strong CV is the cornerstone of your job search. It helps you communicate your skills and experience to prospective employers. It is always a working document and should be tailored to match the roles you apply for. A covering letter lets you explain why you are interested in a job and why you feel you would be suitable. Find out more

Job applications

For many jobs and industries, employers ask you complete an application form. Here are some useful tips for completing job applications: Find out more

Job interviews

Job interviews can vary from informal chats to multi stage panel interviews. Here are some useful tips for job interviews: Find out more

I want to get experience


Volunteering can be very rewarding and has many benefits. It can help you make new friends, increase your confidence and give something back to your community. Plus, it looks great on your CV. Find out more

Work Experience

Work experience involves going on a short-term placement with an employer and can help you develop new skills, gain an understanding of the workplace, build up a network of contacts and gain valuable experience. Find out more

Study/Work abroad

Opportunities are available for students to travel, work and learn. An international experience can help you get the edge in an increasingly competitive job market. Find out more