Student Voice Month
0 min read
10 April 2024

The SERC Students’ Union (SU) is excited to announce that April will be Student Voice Month in SERC.
In April, the SERC SU will be highlighting and celebrating the student voice in the College. The SU will be posting student voice educational content on their Students’ Union Hub Microsoft Teams page every week in April – click here to access the Teams page.
As part of Student Voice Month, the SU is delighted to announce the opening of nominations for Student Governor and Campus Presidents. You can find out about each role below. If you are interested in one of the roles, you can click here to nominate yourself.
Cameron Burns, Campus President for SERC Bangor Campus, said, “I have loved my time as Bangor Campus President of the Student' Union. Being Campus President has given me the confidence to lead, and I have enjoyed being part of the College decision making process. I would encourage all students to consider running for a Students' Union role.”
What is the Student Governor?
The Student Governor is the prime representative of the Students’ Union at SERC. This position will see the successful candidate form part of the College’s Governing Body and senior decision-making body of SERC. The Student Governor sits on the board as a nominee rather than a student representative, and therefore has equal powers to the other board members. This is a paid position with remuneration for Board of Governor duties, including travel expenses. Student Governor nominees must be currently studying on a Level 3 course or higher (you don’t have to have completed the course).
This is a role that requires a lot of hard work and dedication with duties including:
- Undertaking of training to prepare for the role.
- Attendance at all Governing Body meetings and committees (this may include evening meetings).
- Working closely with the Student Engagement Manager to inform the strategic development of the Students’ Union at SERC.
- Attendance at all internal and external events including leading delegations to NUS USI conferences.
What is a Campus President?
A Campus President represents the needs of the students on their campus. They support the SU staff team in running SU events and helping generate feedback from the student populous.
The duties of Campus President include:
- Assisting with the publicity on all matters relevant to the Union on campus.
- Assisting with communications between the College and the Union.
- In conjunction with the Student Governor, being responsible for dealing with student concerns, aspirations and problems in relation to education provision.
- Being responsible for other duties as laid down by the Student Leadership Team and the Union Council.
- Being the prime representative for the campus on the Student Leadership Team and Union Council meetings, reporting back issues concerning that campus.
- Meeting with and communicating with class and committee representatives for that campus, seeking their views and relaying information back to them for distribution to class reps’ classmates.
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