Student Finance - Full Time
The bursary payment is 10% of the tuition fee for your course and is released to eligible students at the start of April each year.

How do I get it?
There is no application process for the Bursary Payment. The College will access information on eligible students, who have consented to share, directly from the Student Loans Company.
Students wishing to be considered for the bursary should ensure that their evidence has been fully verified (1st year students only) and that they have consented to share their information for bursary payments, by 16 March 2026. Students whose SFNI applications do not meet the above criteria on this date will not be eligible for payment.
Students who have an outstanding balance owed to the College for tuition fees will have their bursary payment used to reduce this outstanding debt on their account. Students in this situation will be notified by letter.